Help Japan 2011
100 Tea Bowls
April 17, 2011
5pm to 7pm
Sharon Art Studio
Golden Gate Park
San Francisco
Attention All Drivers:
For very busy area, please be aware that there are not enough parking space available on Sunday afternoon in a parking lot.
Parking would be on the streets outside the park.
*More detailed information on the Map section
Main Room
Handcrafted tea bowls for sale
Opening Ceremony & Acknowledgements
Moment of Silence (Mokuto)
Sakura Sakura by Mari Tochi
Koto by Yuki Kagami & Keiko Kanayama
Demonstrations by:
Ikebana (Rikka Style) Lee Bagnell & Cynthia Major
Tea Ceremony Ryoko Brophy &Yuko Marasso
Sushi Roll Yuko Sato
Tea Bowl Hand building Marilyn Warden
Main display cabinet “Tea Ceremony Utensils”
Presented by Ryoko Brophy & Noriko Kuwabara
Carousel Room
Closing Ceremony
Drawing for a free ceramic class
(Mari’s CD for sale, 50% of proceed will be donated to Japan Earthquake Relief Fund)