Wednesday, May 25, 2011

100 Teabowls to Help Japan Fundraiser travels to Macy's headquarters invited us “Clay Girls", organizer of the fundraiser, to usher in the celebration of Asian Pacific Heritage Month with this, their first event. Seven of us, expertly dressed in kimonos for the occasion, were warmly welcomed and our tea bowls were very much admired.                                              Over 100 people enjoyed the tea bowl making demonstration shown by Marilyn, as well as the tea ceremony served by Ryoko and Noriko from Clay Girls, with help of other tea students led by Omachi Sensei. The ongoing fund raiser was very successful, collecting $800.00 in tea bowl sales and donations in just a short time. There is also a possibility that Macy's will match this amount. Dottie introduced the Sharon Art Studio, which generated considerable interest, sure to entice attendees to come explore the facilities and classes. We created a lovely experience enjoyed by all.  May 24, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

ABC 7 News 6pm

 ABC 7 News 6pm, May 4th 2011

You can also watch through You Tube!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Channel 7 KGO-TV’s 5 o’clock newscast will feature a story about the wildly successful 100 Teabowls: Help Japan fundraiser

Channel 7 KGO-TV's 5 o'clock newscast will feature a story about the  wildly successful 100 Teabowls: Help Japan fundraiser which took place  here at the Sharon Art Studio on April 17, 2011. The coverage will also  be posted online at This fundraiser raised more than $23,000 for the American Red Cross  Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. The fundraiser was spearheaded by Ceramics  instructor Dottie Low and a committee of students known as the "Clay  Girls," with the support of the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department and the Friends of Sharon Art Studio. Teabowls  remain for sale here at Sharon Art Studio at $25, $50, and $100. They  make wonderful Mother's Day gifts! All proceeds will continue to go to  the American Red Cross.

Channel 7 KGO-TV’s 5 o’clock newscast will feature a story about the wildly successful 100 Teabowls: Help Japan fundraiser which took place here at the Sharon Art Studio on April 17, 2011. The coverage will also be posted online at

Saturday, April 30, 2011

"Help Japan" ceremony to deliver our donation, Tuesday, May 5th, 10:00am

We are scheduling an event to present our HELP JAPAN 2011 donation to a representative from the American Red Cross, on Tuesday, May 5th, 10:00am

 We are very proud to have this special ceremony on behalf of the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department.  

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

We exceeded our goal!

Thanks to all our volunteers and supporters who donated generously to Japan at our event.

We will continue our efforts to help Japan.

We are still selling the last remaining tea bowls at Sharon Art studio.
We will also be organizing a tea ceremony demonstration, along with showing how to make tea bowls by hand, on May 24th at Macy's.

We will let you know of our upcoming events.

Thank you.

*Arigatou means Thank you in Japanese

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Help Japan 2011 Program

Help Japan 2011
100 Tea Bowls

April 17, 2011
5pm to 7pm

Sharon Art Studio
Golden Gate Park
San Francisco

Attention All Drivers:
For very busy area, please be aware that there are not enough parking space available on Sunday afternoon in a parking lot.
Parking would be on the streets outside the park.
*More detailed information on the Map section

Main Room
Handcrafted tea bowls for sale

Opening Ceremony & Acknowledgements
Moment of Silence (Mokuto)
Sakura Sakura by Mari Tochi
Koto by Yuki Kagami & Keiko Kanayama

Demonstrations by:
Ikebana (Rikka Style) Lee Bagnell & Cynthia Major
Tea Ceremony Ryoko Brophy &Yuko Marasso
Sushi Roll Yuko Sato
Tea Bowl Hand building Marilyn Warden

Main display cabinet “Tea Ceremony Utensils”
Presented by Ryoko Brophy & Noriko Kuwabara

Carousel Room

Closing Ceremony
Drawing for a free ceramic class

(Mari’s CD for sale, 50% of proceed will be donated to Japan Earthquake Relief Fund)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Help Japan 2011 - 100 Tea Bowls

Help Japan 2011
100 Tea Bowls

Sharon Art Studio, Golden Gate Park
Sunday, April 17, 2011, 5 to 7pm

Sale of Tea Bowls made for this event by local ceramicists
Taste the flavors of Japanese Cuisine
Tea Ceremony, Ikebana, Sushi Making, Clay Demos. 
Japanese Singing, Koto (Japanese Harp) Live Music
Receive an original “Help Japan 2011” Pin/Magnet 
And a chance to win a free ceramic’s course @SAS


$10 FOSAS member / SF R&P Staff
$15 General Public
 $25+ Gold Sponsor

Checks payable to:  American Red Cross Society
(Attn:  Japan Earthquake Relief Fund)
Pay at door or mail to 1032 Irving St. #520, San Francisco, CA 94122
All pins/magnets available for pick up at Sharon Art Studio

Your donation is 100% tax-deductible.  All services and pottery are donations of vendors and artists.

Pre-sale tickets and tea bowls are available at Sharon Art Studio's ceramic studio. Please email to see when our staffs are on site to assist you. 

Sponsored by San Francisco Recreation and Park Department and Friends of Sharon Art Studio
More update available at:

Logo designby Bryan Lee / Liz Liu